Experience Flow Builder

Reduced the customer learning curve while expanding functionality for the core product workflow.




It’s all in the flow


Customers implemented engagement use cases at Flybits using atomic elements like a context rule and content, that were each combined together in an “experience.” It worked well at the beginning as it supported small isolated use cases. However, it quickly started to fall apart once customers wanted to implement more journey focused use cases (this then that, then this or that). In customer meetings, we identified and observed other tools in the market that were thinking of journeys in a visual way our platform was not providing.



From the customer interviews held, we quickly identified that customers think and describe user journeys in a visual way. Lines moving from left to right connecting actions together that shape one experience.

From there I began exploring different approaches to solving the journey challenge, looking at existing solutions and trends in the space. We wanted to make the builder so that a newer person can get going implementing simple use cases quickly while more advanced customers can hop in and build the more elaborate customer experiences they want.

I quickly realized through our discovery sessions that some our our existing terminology had to change and some configuration processes had to be improved to accommodate the flow building format. We created experience templates to help customers get going quickly with common simple use cases. Letting them go to market quicker, learn to tool more quickly, and see the value of the tool to implement more use cases.



Customers loved the direction of the product with the introduction of experience flow building. Customers also mentioned they saw new ways to use our product they hadn’t before.