Product Navigation Transformation

Set a strong foundation for our product to grow.




Applying intuitive terminology and concepts


Flybits is in the process of a lot of things, reworking the primary workflow in the tool, porting over functionality and features to React, and building our new functionality/features at the same time. It was getting to the point where people did not know where functions and features were going to go, and our sales team was having to do backflips explaining things to customers. We realized our product foundational navigation was causing internal and external confusion, things were a mess. It was time to address this problem.

Function module analysis


IA mapping exercise

Lots can be learned from user interviews


I held stakeholder interviews with customer success representatives, solutions team members, and sales to help understand how they talk about the product. What I learned:

- They substitute words frequently to explain functions.
- Customers have trouble locating basic functions.
- Customers dislike having to navigate between areas of the product to complete similar tasks.

From there we had a jumping off point, we began exploring different terminology and navigation structures to address these challenges.

I then held customer facing card sorting exercises to help identify user’s mental models. We identified customers have an action oriented mindset and switch frequently between other marketing tools. Using that information to inform a refined navigation structure, I then conducted a tree testing exercise to validate our findings.

Card sorting remote on Miro


Interactive prototype for tree testing



We established a more intuitive navigation system that reflects our customers' mental models and created a strong foundation for more product features to be built upon.